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Rutgers Undergraduate Archaeological Society was founded with the purpose of giving students with an interest in the field of archaeology a place to meet and discuss their common interests. The club now acts as a resource for students studying Anthropology and Evolutionary Anthropology on many fronts. We act as peer advisors for students pursuing a major and offer advice on classes and coursework. We also provide interested students with information on how to access opportunities to work in the field.


Fieldwork is a critical aspect of archaeology and our hope is to act as a resource for students who might not know where to start. Older members have experienced the joys of being in the field and are more than happy to share our experiences as well as how to access the plethora of opportunities available to students pursuing this major. 

While our name might suggest an interest in matters purely archaeological in nature, we have an interest in a variety of fields including paleoanthropology, genetics, and geology. This is an interdisciplinary field after all and the context of other fields is essential in properly understanding archaeological material. If you have an interest in the past and where we came from, come check us out at our next meeting and see what we're all about. 

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